Tuesday, March 13, 2007

movement in the right direction.

So, big news....I've been offered a job!!!! After taking a gruelling 1.5 hour test (personality bullshit, letter scrambles, pattern ordering, etc. - which in turn says I'm management material) and having an impromptu interview with a manager, I have been offered a position as a receptionist/parts cashier at a trucking company. The hours are perfect for my class schedule and the pay is good for someone with no experience ($12/hr), so barring any complications with my physical and drug test I should be joining the workforce next week. Long term, I'm not expecting to go to work in the big-rig diesel industry, but who knows - I may like it. Time will tell. And interacting with truckers on a daily basis is definately going to add some colorful stories.

I've been thinking that I need to find my "attitude." What I mean by this is that I need to be sure I don't take flak from some asshole trucker, student, employer, etc. because I don't know everything (yet) and because I'm a girl. I've been nervous about entering the job force because I'll be walking into a playing field where I'll be surrounded by people that know a whole lot more than me and I'm sure aren't going to be afraid to show it. I need to make sure I learn to stick up for myself when it's needed and not by too timid. I'm not always good at comebacks and have a tendancy to let people steamroll me when I don't know them. I've got to keep my head held high.


I've been smoking the homework, and flying under the radar when it comes to having good scores. My study-buddy has been taking all the flak for having the highest score and I'm glad it's not me in that position. One former prisonmate has lightly joked around that Study-buddy shouldn't be surprised to find his car not starting on homework due dates and test days. He's also said that Study-buddy needs to watch his back.....I'm sure the threats are in jest, but with this crowd you never can know....

Suspended-license Thug is car shopping.....

A potential employer from Montana (learned it's considered Montucky - cute) toured the school and spent some time hovering outside our classroom observing. He didn't like poeple's hoodies and skull caps. People didn't like that too much - "He don't like my dress, fuck 'em. He's just some white dude from Montucky."

For all those people who aren't Nascar addicts (most of my friends): I learned that Dale Earnhart died in a crash back in 2001 because the G-force of his car hitting the embankment combined with the weight of his helmet caused him to be decapitated with the skin on. Visualize that, suckers!

Somehow there was a discussion about women getting their hair done (I stay out of these discussions). One guy was complaining about when his wife gets her hair done, "She says, 'Don't touch me!' and lays in the bed as straight as a board." Another helpful gentleman chimed in, "That's why you do it doggie style!" Good to know.

My education is worth every dime.

Tomorrow, we learn how to put a car on a lift and change the oil in a car.