Monday, March 5, 2007

basic concepts.

Everything today went smoothly. We covered basic physics concepts. The overview they give at the school is so watered down I found it almost a little confusing. I'm going to be sure to not fully trust the book and do a little refreshing on these concepts on my own. Best example I've ever heard on convection came up today though. Convection is the process of moving heat suck as through hot air rising and cool air sinking. You warm you seat when you fart - blowing hot air. Physics meets bodily functions. I don't think that this is probably the best example but it sure was amusing.

So, why do I talk so much about thuggery and prison? Is it a new obsession? Maybe a little. But mainly this is happening because it comes up almost as much if not more than actual talk about cars. We managed to get off subject today when the teacher made a comment about a cop that was parked outside the building. The class FREAKED! This brought about a great conversation of the exits in the room, statute of limitations in most states, being expedited, and that a plastic fork can make the best knife when prepared correctly.

Tomorrow we are taking a field trip to a jeep dealership in town. It was asked if we can take a field trip to the jail. "I wanna visit my dad."

I had a long conversation with a guy that is going to automotive school so he can make enough money to attend architecture school. He's like my mirror twin. Kinda.

He did three and a half years in prison and is trying to start over. It's heartbreaking in a way. He committed a crime seven years ago. His initial time spent was three years and then he was out for 11 months before he broke his parole and ended up locked up again. During his last lockup his fiance got pregnant with someone else during the time she was living in his parents house. He just got out in December is trying to stay clean, find a job, and attend school. He can't seem to understand why I would walk away from the architecture world and I can't understand why he would want in. How do I explain it to him? All of these conversations make me wonder what most of these guys' chances are of making it through school....time will tell I guess.


I've recently had the luck to meet a female Master Tech for BMW. We had a chance to sit down for coffee on Sat and discuss the industry. She's been in the business for quite some time after leaving a career in Sports Promotion (she was encouraged to sleep with the clients in order to sell season tickets). She believes that most harrassment battles aren't worth the fight. She said she just tries to set the stage off right as soon as she gets on the job. The guys are watching and waiting for a female to screw up the minute she walks in the door. Instead, she says she takes her time and proves herself. She does have a hard time getting raises and training sometimes but her recommendation is to take the bull by the horns. The best thing that came out of the conversation is that she is going to try to get me a job at the BMW dealership. "Women gotta watch out for each other in this industry." Cross your fingers...

BMW prospects led me to their website. If you have never checked it out, I recommend it. If you only have time for one thing check out the video of their new factory in Germany (a popup will come up and you can follow the links to the Leipzig tour or choose to go to the "Explore the Ideas are Everything microsite" link). It was designed by Zaha Hadid. Pretty cool.

Also, check out this great calendar of female mechanics. It was made by a female photographer from KY no less. Good inspiration.