Tuesday, April 10, 2007

jumping back in.

Faithful followers, I am sad to the report that the level of felons (ie. entertaining characters) is down. This is both a good thing and a bad thing since I'll no longer be fearful that any of my classmates should find out where I live however, I no longer have a plethora of crazy prison stories to share. This doesn't mean that all crazies are out, but the numbers are dwindling.

I started school again yesterday. Overall its kinda like groundhog day except I am much better looking that Bill Murray. The class day is the same - 5 hours long (much like architecture studio, except I'm building engines, not ridiculous models at every scale imaginable). The class length is three weeks, which means by July 6th I'll have finished 4 classes - Intro, Engines, Electrical I and II. Pretty cool. Tuition is CHEAP. The class size is super small. There were 9 people there today and 3 are women. This time I have little doubt they are all women, unlike my class in Denver, where I didn't discover the gender of one of the girls till I saw her come out of the bathroom (oops - I guessed wrong!). We are using the exact same textbook. Best part - there are two female teachers on staff, compared with zero in Denver. Also, the uniform requirements are a lab coat with my name on it. NO hideous polyester ill-fitting pants. I can wear coveralls too, which I'm excited about.

Rundown on the classmates - They are all younger than me except one old army vet and everyone is white (huge demographic change from Denver to Portland). My new buddy is a 17 year old girl I sit next to. I don't know how much younger my friends can get at this stage. I'm going to be desperate for some drinking buddies by summertime or I'll just be chilling at some kids house with the parents playing nintendo games much like my time spent in high school. The other girl needs to learn how to shut her mouth. I can't stress the level of irritating things that come out of her mouth. She started out by responding to the teacher's role the first day with "what's up" instead "here." She doesn't shut up about her fiance and how important she feels because she's retaking the Intro class (truly daunting). I wish I could stress how grating she is through this blog, but I don't think you can truly appreciate it unless you're here. One guy has no teeth (meth anyone?) and another guy admitted to spending $2000 on mini bike parts.

Sadly, this is all I've got for now. The campus is nice and much better than the warehouse place we were in in Denver. It actually feels like a college campus. I like it - hehe.

Today we talked about buying tools which made me giddy. I can't wait to go shopping. Yippee!

Next step: Job hunt.