Friday, April 13, 2007

shopping man-style.

I'll tell you, once I decided to come back to portland, everything fell into place. School is going well. Nothing really to report in that area. I guess that's a good thing and a bad thing. I mean absolutely NO crazy stories yet. I that fact comforting in some ways and boring in others. One guy joined the class has a facial and neck tattoo....that's all I got it's not even really that "radical." yawn.

Good news is that I found a job. In three days. In downtown portland (on the bus line and easy to bike to). In a shop on the line (lube tech, here I come). It's a sign.

The job interview went well. The manager is a good old boy from Tennessee. How many interviews have you had where the manager asks you if you are offended by bad language? I told him that I don't have the cleanest mouth myself. This was looked upon as a
good quality as long as I don't use it around customers (obviously?). It's important also to note the number of times the guy compared me to his fiancee - 3. Slightly creepy but I think the fact that this woman also works on cars gave him the ability to be realistic about the possibility of alot more women in auto shops. As for his service manager....could be a different story. I think this job could be where I really test my thick skin and inner strength.

I have to buy tools next week so I can get to work. I bet most of you have no idea how f*#@ing crazy expensive this will about dropping $1000-2300? EEK! I'm freaked out....just a little. I wish my dad were around. This would be one of the first times in my life where he could help me with shopping. Fun man shopping. It's the stuff most men equal in excitement with women and shoe shopping (disclaimer: not to say men/women can't have an excitement about shoes/tools...I'm all about dumping the usual stereotypes...I like shopping for BOTH). The hardest decision is to weigh what brand to by. Snap-On (most expensive, highest? quality), Matco (mid expensive, great quality) or Craftsmen (cheap). All of them have lifetime warranties. Most mechanics I have met so far adore Snap-On (imagine drooling mouths and googly eyes). And I can get them at 50% off the normal price while I'm in school.

This decision is giving me anxiety problems.