Tuesday, June 5, 2007

counting my blessings.

Just a quick entry before I head to a fun filled evening of midget wrestling (yeah, you got that right!). I picked up the last of my paychecks from the former job yesterday. I got trapped by the weirdo manager that wanted to tell me all about the large quantities of tires he has sold to a bunch of used car lots (his bonus is based off the number of tires he sells each month). Ick! The man is a creep. He hasn't found any new help (surprise, surprise) and I've noticed how the company is CONSTANTLY looking for new employees in the paper and on the web. If that doesn't tip you off to their turnover I don't know what will. I stopped my car in front of the service bays and the three guys that still work there came out to say hello. I made a mistake not saying goodbye to the guys when I quit, but I had way too much adrenaline pumping from giving the piece of shit manager a piece of my mind that I couldn't pull together the energy to see them. Shame on me...I liked them all for the most part. Anyways, they were all glad to see me and sad I left (or so they say :) ). As I was about to leave one guy told me he had a good job interview with a dealership in town. He's a promising tech and I'm really excited he is getting out of there. How the hell is the creep manager going to handle all that with only 2 guys? He's already got the three employees working 6 days a week! Glad I left when I did.

Homophobia in automotives. Anyone ever heard of a gay male mechanic? When I was working at the above tire shop I was amazed at the amount of shit talk that involved homosexuals. Like they were overcompensating for someone possibly thinking that they are ok with someone being gay or *gasp* themselves be gay. One guy, who joked less about gay men than some, would always bring up a loyal male customer that he commonly referred to as the "Power Puff" guys. He said that the interior of the car was covered in pink fluffy stuff and Power Puff paraphernalia. OMG! That is CRAZY! (read: sarcastic tone). My coworkers would laugh and laugh and laugh. Then they would tell their jokes and on it went. The manager threw a fit when he found out they advertise in the LGBT phone book (yep, Portland has one). I guess I shouldn't be that surprised by their homophobia. This is america after all....sigh.

I applied for a scholarship today along with one other person (the only other girl). There are two scholarships. Do the math.