Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So about half the class has been to prison. here are a few more interesting tidbits from the classroom today...

The guy that doesn't have a license - He just got out of prison. Everyday he brings up the question of whether or not it is going to be possible for him to find a job without a license. He won't be able to get it back until.....drumroll please!.....2011. That's right. 4 years from now. So the teacher was amazed and asked what he did to lose it. I think another drumroll is in order here......he has 38 charges of driving with a suspended license! I can't even imagine being pulled over that many times. The career people have been very frank with him. They've explained that while it will be difficult, there are a few jobs that he can start in that won't require a license. Today he threw a tantrum. The career lady wants a TYPED resume in a WEEK. There ARE computers available at school. he got so pissed that he wanted to quit, then and there. "I was told i wouldn't have to buy a computer! If I'm going to have to type things then I can't do this." Huh? People make their lives so much harder than they have to be.

Big topic of discussion today: prison tats. I've got the dumb 18-year-old-girly tattoo. Good thing it's not some butterfly or dolphin. Do you think they will think I'm a pussy?

What's going to happen to me while I'm in this class? I have a mantra I like to spew when encountering people who are irrationally afraid of urban spaces because they fear "getting shot": If you spend time with violent people then your chances are pretty good of getting shot, but if not then you need to face reality. i think I just increased my chances. Big time.

An awkward moment today was when the teacher used me as an example of professional dress. He wasn't pointing out how nice my light blue shirt looked with my work pants and steel toe boots. No. He had everyone (all the guys) imagine what I wear when I'm not working. What I wear when I'm getting ready to go out on the town. What I wear when I'm looking for a little something-something. OK. Everyone got their mental image of me dressed like a hoochie looking for some booty? Great.

So tomorrow?

Safety day.

See you tomorrow!